Sergio Mirazo developer
👋😄 Hi! I am

Sergio Mirazo

Data Scientist / Web Developer

Solutions to web development, data & AI


About me

I am a freelance web developer, with a deep understanding of Python and its web development, data analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence frameworks. I am certified by the MIT (Massachusetts Institute Technology), IBM and TEC de Monterrey as a Data Scientist & Machine Learning, Data Scientist and Senior Data Scientist respectively. I also know Javascript and Java very well for web and mobile development. If you need a custom software or web application for your business, I can provide a quote. I consider myself a teacher by vocation, because it truly brings a great satisfaction to see how someone's understanding has developed. The best investment we can make is to invest in ourselves, that is, in experiences and learnings that lead to a transformation, granting greater understanding. I really enjoy studying science in general or any new knowledge that enriches me internally. That is why I teach physics, mathematics and python programming courses at the ARJÉ Club de Ciencias. I enjoy reading, deep conversations; as a hobby, I love music, I play the guitar and electric bass.

Goals & Objectives

I enjoy working in the IT world in general. In the last years I have worked in E-Learning and freelance web development. I feel like and enjoy learning new technologies, lately I have invested a good part of my time (about 2 years) in consolidating and certifying myself as a data scientist and machine learning specialist. Both in the short and long term, my goal is to change my career and establish myself full time as a Data Scientist or machine learning specialist.

Soft Skills



You can verify all my badges on my Credly profile here


My education and experience trajectory

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